What To Expect When You Get Your Cat Spayed

If you've finally tamed the stray cat that's been hanging around your yard, one of the first things you'll want to do is have the cat checked out by a vet. If it's a female cat and she is in good health, your vet will probably recommend having her spayed as soon as possible. You may be concerned about how your new friend will react to such a strange procedure. If you've never had a cat spayed before, you may be wondering what to expect, too.

Hazards For Your Pet In Your Garage & Yard

Before you allow your new pet out in your garage and yard, you need to make sure that those areas are free of hazards. Here is a brief list to help you make sure that these areas are safe for your new pet. Antifreeze It is common to keep antifreeze in your garage if you service your vehicle yourself. Antifreeze contains propylene glycol, which is dangerous for your pet to eat or consume.

Your First Toy Dog Breed: Caring For The Tiny Canine In Your Life

Whether you have been around dogs your entire life or you just looked into those tiny little eyes and just knew you had to take that tiny pup home, getting a toy dog breed is no easy feat. You will quickly learn that smaller dogs have a lot of needs that are different from their larger counterparts. Here are things you need to consider when it comes to the care of your toy breed, whether you have a maltese, poodle, or mixed breed smaller dog.

Three Steps To Take When Finding Out Your Pup Has Diabetes

Just like humans, dogs can have diabetes; it can occur in older dogs and in young puppies. If you notice your dog is drinking and urinating more often plus acting lethargic, it is a good idea to check their blood sugar. Dogs' blood sugar can be checked on the same type of meter has humans. With a prick to the exposed skin of the ear, you may be able to get their blood sugar reading.

Hazards in Your Home That Could Harm Your Pet

If you are getting your first pet soon, you need to be aware of all the hazards in your home that could harm your pet's health and well-being, and take steps to ensure that your pet has a safe home to reside in. Food When you have a pet, you need to be extra careful to keep food secure. You should not leave food containers on the counters or leave your cabinets or refrigerator open.

How Anesthesia Works On Your Pet

If your pet has to undergo an procedure where anesthesia is needed, it is vitally important that you understand how the process will work for your pet. Just like when people go under anesthesia, there are risks associated with going under anesthesia for your pet, which is why you need to make sure that you understand the procedure. Before Your Pet Goes Under Before your pet is put under anesthesia, your vet should also do a physical exam of your pet to make sure that they don't have any conditions that would cause complications while your pet is under anesthesia.

Five Ways To Increase The Profitability Of Your Veterinary Practice

It can be difficult to operate a successful veterinary practice, but the following are a few tips to help increase your profits. Decrease the time spent with customers If you are able to decrease the average time spent with a customer by only a few minutes, you will be able to handle more daily visits to your practice. Although this is obvious enough, it is not always easy to implement. You need to first measure the amount of time spent with each pet owner, and then compute an average.

Holiday Hazards For Your Dog: What To Watch Out For

When the holidays roll around, it means a lot of fun, food, and decorations for you and your family. However, for your family dog, it could mean trouble if you do not know what to watch out for and to keep your dog away from. The holidays can be hazardous to pets and could even mean a trip or two to the animal hospital if things go awry. Get to know some of the holiday hazards that you can and should watch out for with your dog so that you can be sure that you are doing your best to keep your dog healthy all holiday season long.

Seven Holiday Hazards That Your Pet Doesn't Want to Encounter This Christmas

Winter should be a fun, festive time, but there is one thing that can wreak havoc on your holiday: a veterinary emergency. Take care to prevent potential risks and dangers from hurting your pet this time of year, and avoid trips to the vet hospital during your celebrations. Keep your pet safe and healthy with some simple tips and suggestions. Seven hazards facing your pet during the holiday season are:

Puppy Love: How To Know If Your Sensitive Dog Is Having A Negative Reaction To A Shot

In order to keep your dog healthy, you will need to keep up their shots and health treatments. If you have a dog who seems to have a sensitive system, they may need to see a vet a little more often than usual. It is especially important for dogs who have sensitive systems to see the vet on a regular basis. Dogs may also have a negative reaction to certain treatments or if they receive too many shots at one time.